These pencil sketches by the artist as part of his training journey.

Jaguar and Anaconda, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018.

This drawing depicts a jaguar and a green anaconda encountering each other in the Amazon rainforest. The green anaconda is one of the most aquatic of all snakes, living most of its life in the water.

Desert Life, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing features life in the North African desert, specifically in Egypt as the pyramids are featured in the background. The animals include dromedary camels, a fennec fox, a scorpion and a peregrine falcon. The desert plants in the drawing are palm trees.

Swinging Apes, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing features two of the most popular tree-living apes: the chimpanzee and the orangutan. 

Giraffe and Gazelle, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features a giraffe feeding near a tree with a Thomson's gazelle beside it.

Australian Marsupials, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features Australia's duo of its most famous marsupials, the kangaroo and the koala, which hangs on an eucalyptus tree.

Mantis Attacks Snake, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing is based on the real-life footage of a praying mantis attacking a snake. Praying mantises normally hunt small insects, but may occasionally attack small vertebrates such as reptiles and small birds.

Beetle Fight, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing depicts two male rhinoceros beetles locked in combat. The beetles use their characteristic horns as weapons during headbutting contests. Generally, larger males with larger horns mate more frequently, as they win more contests.

Wolf Pair, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features a gray wolf on the prowl with a coyote howling in the distance. These members of the dog family are actually two different species, as coyotes are generally smaller than wolves. The coyote is said to be the most vocal of all North American mammals, as they let out a wide range of specific vocalizations.

Chicken Family Under Banana Plant, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing is inspired by the chickens at the countryside. The family of chickens in the drawing consists of a rooster, a hen and three chicks. The banana plant in the background has fruits and a banana blossom (jantung pisang in Malay), the flower of the banana plant, that forms at the end of the bunch. The banana is not a tree, but a herb, and the "tree" is normally called a banana plant.

Panda Forest, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing depicts a family of pandas in a bamboo forest.

Cacti, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features the saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea), one of the world's largest cacti that can be found in the Sonoran Desert in North America. These cacti can grow up to 12 meters tall and live to over 150 years. The lizard on the lower right is a Gila monster, a predatory lizard normally found in the deserts of the southwestern United States.

Bald Eagles’ Nest, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The bald eagle builds the largest nest of any North American bird and the largest nest built on the treetops. The nest measures up to 4 meters deep, 2.5 meters wide and may have weighed 1 metric ton. The nests are very large to compensate with the eagle's large size.

Mangrove Trees, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

Mangrove swamps have several species of mangrove trees which are distributed in a process called zonation, based on the sea level. The picture depicts the Rhizophora, or true mangrove, zone, where the mangrove trees grow stilt or aerial roots that raise the plants above the water and allow them to take in oxygen even while their lower roots are submerged underwater. The wildlife depicted in the drawing are mudskippers, a saltwater crocodile and a Brahminy kite (a species of eagle).

North American Deer, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

North America is home to several large species of deer, and the drawing features two of them: the elk or wapiti (left) and the moose (right). 

Cheetah Hunt, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features a cheetah chasing a Thomson's gazelle in the grasslands of Africa. Cheetahs have long legs and a slender body, making them suited for short, explosive bursts of speed when running and chasing prey. They use their tail as a rudder to steer them, enabling them to make sharp turns while running.

Siberian Tigers and Bear, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The painting features two Siberian tigers and a brown bear under a tree. One of the tigers appears to be sharpening its claws on the tree trunk.

Sun and Moon Bears, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The artwork depicts two types of bear found in Southeast Asia: the Asiatic black bear or moon bear (left) and the Malayan sun bear (right). The Malayan sun bear is smaller than the Asiatic black bear and spends most of its life on the trees.

The Reptile Zone, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing features several reptile species, namely the Komodo dragon, tuatara, saltwater crocodile and Australian tree snake.

Elephant and Rhino, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

Elephants and rhinoceroses are Africa's two largest mammals. The elephant is bigger and heavier than the rhinoceros. Both these animals are herbivores, as they eat plants. The white rhinoceros grazes grass while elephants use their trunk to grab branches and reach for green leaves.

Chameleon, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing shows a chameleon catching a fly with its long tongue. A chameleons' tongue is typically thought to be one and a half to two times the length of its body.

Reptiles at Tree, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing incorporates three major groups of reptiles gathering near a tree: an American alligator, a Galapagos tortoise, and two snakes: a tree boa and a king cobra.

Peafowl, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The picture depicts a pair of peafowl. The male has the characteristic fan of tail feathers called a train. The male appears to attempt to attract the female by displaying its train.

The Bug Branch, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

There is a large variety of insects and invertebrates in this drawing, including a ladybird, a snail, a spider and two phasmid insects, the leaf insect and stick insect. The complete life cycle of a butterfly can be seen in the drawing, featuring all four stages: egg, caterpillar, cocoon and adult butterfly.

Lion and Leopard, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The two largest big cats in Africa are the lion and the leopard. Leopards usually live on trees, though some lions can also climb trees.

Stag, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

The drawing features a stag looking face on. The antlers of a deer are branched, similar to a tree branch, and are covered in a skin-like layer called velvet which provide blood flow to supply oxygen and nutrients to growing antlers. 

Cautious Stripes, pencil on 200gsm art block, 2018

This drawing depicts a tiger moving out of a forest. Normally, a tiger is hard to spot in forested areas as their stripes provide excellent camouflage among the plants.


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