Collection: Bewildering Biodiversity

BEWILDERING BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is defined as the variety of biological life in the world or in a particular ecosystem. A high level of biodiversity is said to be beneficial to the environment, as both flora and fauna interact with each other in a constant arms race for survival, with these struggles being essential for the balance of life on Earth. Bewildering Biodiversity , acrylic on canvas, 2020. Set of 9, each piece 10" X 10" Unicorn Grassland Unicorn, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The unicorn is a mysterious animal. Many people believe that unicorns resemble horses with a single horn emerging from its forehead. It also may have originated from sightings of horned herbivorous mammals which usually have two horns with one of them broken, making it look as it it had one horn on its head. Lion Lions in grassland, acrylic on canvas, 2020 In ancient times, lions were thought to be the “kings of the jungle”. However, lions do not live in dense forests but prefer open gr...