
Showing posts from July, 2020

Art Block Collection: Unreal Beasts of the Mind

These creatures actually do not exist, but they have fascinated many people for generations. Fantasy creatures have made their mark in various cultures around the world, influencing our lives and interests in various ways. Dragon Water Dragon, acrylic on art block, 2017 Dragons have captivated our imagination since ancient times, and they come in various shapes and sizes. In most cultures, dragons are said to be symbols of power and having control over natural elements. Many early depictions of dragons portray them as snake-like creatures. Sea serpents like the one in the painting are commonly associated with dragons. Phoenix Golden Phoenix, acrylic on art block, 2017 The phoenix, or "feng huang" in Chinese, is a popular avian symbol in Eastern mythology. It is said to be the ruler of all birds and its body parts are said to represent celestial objects and natural phenomena: the head is the sky; the eyes are the sun; the back is the moon; the wings are the winds; the feet are...

Art Block Collection: Ancient Mariners

Millions of years ago, the oceans were ruled by a wide spectrum of bizarre and powerful creatures throughout the Phanerozoic Eon. Some of these creatures are somehow related to today's sea creatures. The most popular of them are represented by the marine reptiles of the Mesozoic era which shared their world with the dinosaurs which roamed the land. Ammonite Ammonite, Acrylic on art block, 2018. Ammonites are shelled sea creatures which are closely related to squid, cuttlefish and octopi. Their protective shells contain air spaces which enable them to drift along the ocean currents. There are various species of ammonites which evolved from the family's very first appearance in the Devonian till their demise along with the dinosaurs on land at the end of the Cretaceous period. The individual pictured is based on a species which lived in the Jurassic period. Dunkleosteus Dunkleosteus , acrylic on art block, 2017 Dunkleosteus is a predatory fish that was one of the largest predator...


Dodo and Tree, acrylic on art block, 2019. The dodo ( Raphus cucullatus ) is a turkey-sized, flightless bird of the pigeon family which is native to the island of Mauritius, where it was made the national symbol. The dodo was exterminated by European sailors who settled on the island in the 17th century. During its lifetime, the dodo is said to have a symbiotic relationship with a native tree called the tambalacoque ( Sideroxylon grandiflorum ), which is also nicknamed the "dodo tree" for this relationship. The fruits of the tree are consumed by the dodo birds and its seeds pass through the bird's digestive system before germinating. Although the dodo bird became extinct in the late 1600s, the tambalacoque continued to live on as there are also other animals such as the local birds, bats and tortoises which helped disperse its seeds in a similar manner.

Collection: Remarkable Wildlife [SOLD]

REMARKABLE WILDLIFE [SOLD] This collection is a mixture of animal paintings which are hand-picked and made into a whole new collection. Tiger Tiger B, acrylic on canvas, 2020 After a re-shuffling of the tiger family tree by zoologists in 2017, tigers are now classified into two subspecies: the mainland Asian tigers ( Panthera tigris tigris ) and the Indonesian tigers ( Panthera tigris sondaica ). The Bengal, Malayan, South China, Indochinese and Siberian tigers are grouped together into the mainland subspecies, while the Sumatran tiger is the sole living member of the Indonesian subspecies. Panda Panda Feeding, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The giant panda has bamboo leaves and shoots comprising 99 percent of its primary diet. Two of the panda's most distinctive features, its large size and round face, are adaptations to its diet of mostly bamboo. Giraffe Giraffe Feeding, acrylic on canvas, 2020 A giraffe’s tongue is prehensile and measures about 45 cm (18 in) long. It is purplish-black ...

Collection: Beauty on Wings [SOLD]

BEAUTY ON WINGS The beauty of nature comes in many forms, and one of these is can be seen in the air. Several species of birds and insects have colorful patterns which made the skies they live in more vibrant and energetic. Io Moth Io Moth, acrylic on canvas, 2019 The Io moth ( Automeris io ) is a colorful moth which ranges throughout the United States and the southern corners of Canada. Males are more brightly-colored than females, and they possess eye spots on their hind wings to ward off predators. Hornbill Hornbill and Rafflesia, acrylic on canvas, 2019 The rhinoceros hornbill ( Buceros rhinoceros ) and the rafflesia ( Rafflesia arnoldii ) are some of the most notable inhabitants in the tropical rainforests of Malaysian Borneo. The hornbill is the state bird of the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Bird of Paradise Raggiana Bird of Paradise, acrylic on canvas, 2019 The Raggiana bird-of-paradise ( Paradisaea raggiana ) is one of the most well-known members of the bird-of-paradise family. ...

Collection: Furry Friends

FURRY FRIENDS Mammals come in various shapes and forms, and some of these forms can be said as tame or appealing to the observer's eye. This collection highlights the small, furry mammals from certain parts of the mammal family tree, including small primates, marsupials, rodents and small carnivores. Furry Friends , acrylic on canvas, 2020. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8"  Meerkat Meerkat Sentry, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The meerkat ( Suricata suricatta ) is a social animal that lives in large communities. They are highly vigilant and frequently scan their surroundings by turning their heads from side to side; some individuals always stand sentry and look out for danger. This painting is seemingly inspired by the character Timon from the 2019 live-action Disney film, The Lion King .  Possum Possum, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The Virginia opossum ( Didelphis virginiana ) is usually referred to by the local population as a “possum”. The opossum is a nocturnal, cat-sized mammal wit...

Collection: Majestic Menagerie [SOLD]

MAJESTIC MENAGERIE [SOLD] A menagerie can be defined as a collection of exotic and unique animals, and the term also refers to a precursor to modern zoos which also showcases exotic animals. In the 18th century, the term menagerie is used for animal collections by aristocrats or royals who seek to display their power and wealth because exotic animals are quite difficult to acquire and harder to maintain. The natural world, however, had a vast collection of diverse life which can be considered unique in their own ways. Elephant Asian Elephant, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The Asian elephant ( Elephas maximus ) ranges throughout southern and southeast Asia from India to Indonesia. Elephants are worshipped by cultures of these regions, commonly as a symbol of strength and wisdom. The elephant is also a national symbol in Thailand. Giraffe Giraffe, acrylic on canvas, 2020 The giraffe is the world’s tallest land mammal. Giraffes have prominent horn-like structures called ossicones on their heads...