Blessing in Black, acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20"

Series 6 in Colors of the Wild

A black "panther" is a melanistic leopard found in the moist, dense forests of Africa and southern Asia. It has beautiful, glowing black fur. According to legends, the black leopard is a born leader and all animals follow it. Its nature is considered to be ‘diverse’ and ‘uncontaminated.’ The black leopard is also said to be more powerful, aggressive, and have stronger energy than other cats. With this leadership quality, a black leopard can represent and mean a lot of different things, including courage, beauty, grace, protection, wisdom, rebirth, patience, reclamation of power and ability to know the dark. In jungles, seeing panthers and leopards is considered an omen of triumph. Leopards and panthers are strong, proud, and fiercely independent, making it an emblem of bravery and martial ferocity.

The dominant color scheme in the painting are dark and black hues, represented by the night time setting. The night time can represent the unconscious side of one's personality and all that is secret and mysterious, which also reflects the symbolism of the black leopard, a nocturnal animal which uses the cover of the night's darkness to hunt. Bats are associated with luck and good fortune.

The orchids depicted in the painting are of an exotic cultivar of the species Cymbidium faberi, known for its dark, almost black color. Black orchids are not truly black; they're usually over-pigmented red or purple orchids that are so dark they only appear to be black. These blooms are said to represent mystery, power, and sophistication. They can also convey a message of strength, determination, absolute power and authority.


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