
Showing posts from March, 2024


Twelve-In-One , acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20" The painting is a concept of a dragon having all the attributes of the other 11 creatures of the Chinese zodiac. The initials of the zodiac animals are seen around it. Rat: ears Ox: horns Tiger: striped fur on head and whiskers Rabbit: hind legs Snake: body Horse: mane Goat: beard Monkey: face and eyes Rooster: head comb, claws and tail feathers Dog: snout Pig: front legs The artist intends to show that the dragon is the most powerful sign of the Chinese zodiac by having the combined aspects displayed on the dragon.


  Blessing in Black , acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20" Series 6 in Colors of the Wild A black "panther" is a melanistic leopard found in the moist, dense forests of Africa and southern Asia. It has beautiful, glowing black fur. According to legends, the black leopard is a born leader and all animals follow it. Its nature is considered to be ‘diverse’ and ‘uncontaminated.’ The black leopard is also said to be more powerful, aggressive, and have stronger energy than other cats. With this leadership quality, a black leopard can represent and mean a lot of different things, including courage, beauty, grace, protection, wisdom, rebirth, patience, reclamation of power and ability to know the dark. In jungles, seeing panthers and leopards is considered an omen of triumph. Leopards and panthers are strong, proud, and fiercely independent, making it an emblem of bravery and martial ferocity. The dominant color scheme in the painting are dark and black hues, represented by


White Wonder , acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20" Series 5 in Colors of the Wild For many indigenous cultures of the Arctic regions, the polar bear is a powerful symbol of strength, courage, and adaptability in the face of adversity. Determined and persevering, it has all the qualities of a leader.  Polar bears are greatly respected by the Inuit people as the most intelligent animal in the Arctic, and as a symbol of the resilience, patience and determination that is needed to survive in the harsh climate. As the polar bear fearlessly traverses the frozen wilderness, it becomes a living testament to intense willpower and courage in the face of the unknown. It also symbolizes protection, especially towards its young. Whether on land or in the water, polar bears have no natural enemies, making them the world's top land predators. With their beautiful white coats, humans call them the kings of the Arctic.  The dominant color scheme in the painting are white hues, represented