Nine Dragons: Wealth and Prosperity, acrylic on canvas, 2023. 60" X 36"

The artist welcomes the Year of the Dragon with this painting which depicts nine golden dragons and an abundance of wealth in the form of gold coins, gold sycees and red pearls.

The painting seems to be inspired by the Nine Dragons painting by Chinese artist Chen Rong from 1244 (during the Song Dynasty). In Feng Shui philosophy, the dragon symbolizes prosperity and abundance. In Chinese culture, nine is the sacred number of the emperor. It was believed that the dragon king could change into nine dragon forms. The dragon in the center is supposed to represent the emperor (based on its pose), as traditionally, royal dragons have five toes or claws. The other eight dragons have four toes, and four-toed dragons are considered common and not part of the nobility. This conveys a message that wealth can be enjoyed, no matter the status, and that all classes can get along with each other in times of celebration.

The Chinese good luck coin is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Gold sycees are also used as a symbol of prosperity among Chinese people. They are frequently displayed during Chinese New Year, representing a fortunate year to come. Red pearls convey power, enthusiasm, success, energy, vitality, excitement, passion, love, strength, leadership, respect, determination, assertiveness, and stability. They look similar to fish eggs, which are a powerful symbol of growth, potential, new beginnings and fertility.

The pussy willow is a plant that symbolizes growth and the coming of prosperity in Chinese culture, and is a popular plant during Chinese New Year, where its imitations are usually dyed red. They are also associated with wealth because in Chinese, they are known as silver willow, which sounds like silver coins.


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