A collection of flowering plants and small animals that blend harmoniously.

Water Lily and Frog, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 10" X 16"

The painting depicts water lily flowers in varying stages of growth. The flowers in the foreground are blooming buds that have not reached full bloom, and are included for comparison with the main flower which is pink in color. Unlike the lotus plant which had round leaves, water lily leaves (also called "lily pads") have distinctive notches. Behind the flower is a red-eyed tree frog, one of the most colorful frogs.

Rafflesia the Fourth, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 16" X 10"

The Rafflesia is one of the largest flowers that have ever existed and is a native to Malaysia and Indonesia. This is the fourth Rafflesia flower drawn by the artist. It is surrounded by mushrooms that are based on the mushrooms that the artist sees in his neighborhood. Ants are also present in the painting, including leafcutter ants which carry leaves which they cut using their jaws.

All Hail the Titan, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 10" X 16"

Amorphophallus titanum, otherwise known as the titan flower, has the largest unbranched flower cluster in the world. This flower can be found in Sumatra, Indonesia. Due to its odor likened to that of rotting flesh, the titan flower is classified as a carrion flower, which emits the pungent odor to attract pollinating insects such as flies and beetles. As they are not the beetles meant to pollinate the flower, two ladybirds, yellow and red, fly around the flower, probably repulsed by its strong odor. At the top left is a spiny-backed orb-weaver spider (Gasteracantha cancriformis), which is native to the Americas. The brightly-colored spider has six abdominal spine-like projections on its abdomen.

Hibiscus Branch, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 10" X 16"

The hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a red-colored flower that is cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions, including southeast Asia. This particular species of hibiscus can also be called the Chinese hibiscus, China rose or rose mallow. Hibiscuses can also come in other colors, such as orange, pink and yellow. A bee flies from the flower carrying a pollen-filled sac on each of its hind legs, indicating it had finished pollinating the flower. In front of the flowers is a snail based on the garden snails found in the artist's neighborhood.

What's Up Tiger Lilies, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 16" X 10"

Tiger lilies are flowers of the genus Lilium that are spread throughout Europe, Asia and North America. They come in a range of colors from purple to pink to yellow to orange. The bird in the painting is a North American robin, which is searching for insects among the plants. Two ants are hiding behind the large yellow tiger lily.

Heliconia and Hummingbirds, acrylic on canvas, 2021. 16" X 10"

, or the lobster-claw plants, can also be referred to as false bird-of-paradise, referring to some of the species' close similarity to actual bird-of-paradise flowers (Strelitzia). These flowers are native to South America. Two species of Heliconia flowers are depicted in the painting: one that grows downwards and another that grows upwards. Also in the painting are two hummingbirds, which are popularly known to be avian pollinators. The ruby-throated hummingbird is seen on the left of the painting, while on the right is a marvelous spatuletail hummingbird (Loddigesia mirabilis), known for its long tail feathers that end in racquet-shaped feathers.


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