
Showing posts from October, 2021


  Spectacular Solar System , acrylic on canvas, 2019. A solar system can be defined as a group of stars and celestial bodies that move regularly around a star. Our solar system consists of a group of planets that rotate around the Sun, and also consists of moons (or natural satellites) that orbit the planets and also the asteroids, massive metallic space rocks which constitute the Asteroid Belt that orbits the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Comets are also considered as constituents of the Solar System, as they are actually frozen gases, rocks and dust circulating the Sun. Orbits are important to the planets as they prevent them from colliding with each other.


 A collection of flowering plants and small animals that blend harmoniously. Water Lily and Frog , acrylic on canvas, 2021. 10" X 16" The painting depicts water lily flowers in varying stages of growth. The flowers in the foreground are blooming buds that have not reached full bloom, and are included for comparison with the main flower which is pink in color. Unlike the lotus plant which had round leaves, water lily leaves (also called "lily pads") have distinctive notches. Behind the flower is a red-eyed tree frog, one of the most colorful frogs. Rafflesia the Fourth , acrylic on canvas, 2021. 16" X 10" The  Rafflesia  is one of the largest flowers that have ever existed and is a native to Malaysia and Indonesia. This is the fourth  Rafflesia flower drawn by the artist. It is surrounded by mushrooms that are based on the mushrooms that the artist sees in his neighborhood. Ants are also present in the painting, including leafcutter ants which carry leaves ...

Collection: Jurassic Jam-Pack II

JURASSIC JAM-PACK II Dinosaurs throughout the Mesozoic era come in various shapes and sizes, from small theropods the size of turkeys to large herbivores bigger than a school bus. Dinosaurs evolved a wide range of forms to fill in various ecological roles which are similar to the natural world today. The assortment of the unique families of dinosaurs made the Dinosauria a very interesting group for scientists and popular culture to tap into. Jurassic Jam-Pack II , acrylic on canvas, 2021. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8"  Centrosaurus Centrosaurus , acrylic on canvas, 2021.  Centrosaurus (name meaning "pointed lizard") is a large ceratopsian (horned dinosaur) that lived in the late Cretaceous of Canada, North America. It is noted for the single large horn on its snout, as well as smaller horns above the eyes and hornlets like hooks on its neck frill, which have openings to keep the weight down. Ceratopsians like Centrosaurus  normally travel in large herds.  Ceratosauru...

Art Block Collection: Planetary Exploration

 These paintings by the artist is part of a study based on astronomical objects in his training journey. Sun Shining Sun , acrylic on art block, 2018 The Sun is a main sequence star that is located 1500 million kilometers away from Earth. It is a huge ball of hot, burning gases including hydrogen and helium. The sun has a thin layer of atmosphere called the corona. Measuring about 1,392,000 kilometers in diameter, the sun is so large that a million Earths could fit into it, but it is still considered small compared to a lot of other stars as it is in its early stages of development. Mercury Mercury A , acrylic on art block, 2018 Mercury B , acrylic on art block, 2018 Named after the messenger of the Roman gods (Greek equivalent: Hermes), Mercury is the smallest of the four rocky planets. Its surface is covered with craters, just like the surface of the Moon. The craters on Mercury measure up to tens of kilometers high. Also like the Moon, it has plains, mountains and valleys, but d...

Art Block Collection: Tree Life

 These paintings by the artist is part of a study based on trees and plants in his training journey. Rhinoceros Hornbill , acrylic on art block, 2018. 29.7 x 42 cm The rhinoceros hornbill ( Buceros rhinoceros ) is the state bird of Sarawak in Malaysia. Some Dayak people, especially the Ibans, believe it to be the supreme chief of birds and its statue is used to welcome the god of birds, Sengalang Burong , to the feasts and celebrations of humankind.  Bear, Hive and Tree , acrylic on art block, 2017. 29.7 x 42 cm Bears usually raid beehives in order to eat the pupae, larvae, and eggs in the brood comb of a hive. Although bears prefer immature bees, they also eat honey. Elephant and Tree , acrylic on art block, 2017. 29.7 x 42 cm An elephant trunk has up to 40,000 muscles, which can be divided into as many as 150,000 individual units. They can lift up to 770 pounds (350 kg) with their trunks. In the painting, an elephant uses its trunk to break a tr...