
Showing posts from February, 2024


  Harmony in Yellow , acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20" Series 4 in Colors of the Wild The lion is respected in many cultures as it is seen as a symbol of strength, courage, royalty, leadership, protection, guardianship, masculinity, fatherhood, resilience, endurance and duality. The female lion, or lioness, is viewed as standing for wisdom, femininity, motherhood and also protection. A pair of lions, especially a male and female pair, can represent a sense of balance and harmony. They symbolize the union of opposing forces or dualities, such as strength and gentleness, power and compassion, or yin and yang. The well known quote, 'behind every great man there's a great woman', can be represented by the relationship between the male and female lions. Lion cubs symbolize balance and harmony, as the "product" of the union of the two genders of lions. The dominant color scheme in the painting are yellow hues, which has traditionally been a symbol of confide


  Lucky Streak , acrylic on canvas, 2024. 20" X 20" The artist welcomes the Year of the Dragon with this painting depicting four young dragons playing a game of mahjong . The black dragon appears to have achieved a winning deck by drawing a 發財 " fa cai " (green dragon) tile, much to the shock of the white dragon sitting in its opposite direction, probably during a lucky streak. It implies a popular case of 食糊 (" sik wu ": winning off another player's discard), where the white dragon may have discarded the " fa cai " tile before it was drawn by the black dragon. The deck shown on the black dragon's side is shown to be "All in Triplets", where in the Hong Kong mahjong scoring rules, the player gets mostly combinations of 3 or 4 identical tile sets (碰 pung for 3 tiles, 杠 kong for 4). The dragons' winnings are shown as gold coins stored in money pots. The artist intended for the black dragon to achieve the winning deck as the bl