
Showing posts from October, 2023


  Blue Nocturne , acrylic on canvas, 2023. 20" X 20" Series 1 in  Colors of the Wild In Native American traditions, the owl is called the Night Eagle. While the eagle is connected to the sun, the owl has a special connection with the night and the moon. The snowy owl is said to be a messenger who is responsible for carrying wisdom from the elders. In ancient Egypt, white owls were a symbol of royalty and a protector of souls. It is said that if you meditate with the owl, the answers to your questions will be revealed. Blue is the dominant color hue in the painting, as it is the color of wisdom, serenity, faith, and intelligence, all attributed to the symbolism of the owl. The moon also appears to be in a shade of blue, mirroring the phrase once in a blue moon : referring to something extremely rare in occurrence, which in this painting is the presence of blue tiger lilies. Tiger lilies are often associated with nobility in times past. Nocturne is defined as a picture of a nig


  Shrine of Harmony , acrylic on canvas, 2023. 24" X 16" The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac symbolize the earthly branches. In order, they are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs has a unique character that differentiates them from one another. Every individual is different to every other individual, as they attach themselves to factors (like race, religion, hobbies, etc.) which make these individuals appear similar although these things are shallow. Although some of the signs are conflicting with others (e.g. rat and horse, ox and goat, etc.) and may struggle to feel in sync with each other, building mutual respect and tolerance as well as accepting and appreciating differences in each other are vital for stability. Despite said differences, everyone is equal in their basic wish for peace and happiness. The painting is inspired by visits to Thean Hou Temple in Kuala Lumpur, where