Drifting Biome , acrylic on canvas, 2023. 30" X 24" The painting is inspired by a scene from the second season of Prehistoric Planet . It depicts ammonites of various shapes and sizes gathering around a larger ammonite which shell is covered in algae and corals. As a "drifting biome" it provides plenty of food and places for the smaller ammonites to breed and interact. Parapuzosia is the large ammonite in the painting. The largest known species of ammonite, its shell alone measured almost three meters (9-10 ft) in diameter. As an open water organism, the ammonite drifts along the current, searching for food. The large ammonite in the painting is covered in algae and corals, which turns it into the titular drifting biome. The biome attracts a large variety of smaller ammonites with different types of shells. Baculites is a type of ammonite which had an almost straight shell that resembles a curved stick. The two-meter (6 ft) long Diplomoceras had a shell shaped lik...