
Showing posts from March, 2023


  A Higher Advantage , acrylic on canvas, 2023. 16" X 20" Since the days of Charles Darwin, the long necks of giraffes have been a textbook example of evolution. Giraffes' long necks put them at an advantage against other herbivores in the same location, allowing them to comfortably reach food and nutrients that most other animals cannot, especially leaves from the top of tall trees such as acacia trees. This becomes especially important for survival in habitats where food can become scarce and droughts are fairly common.  In many cultures, giraffes generally represent an ability to stand out from the crowd and as symbols of aspiration, opportunity and confidence. The giraffe inspires one to reach for the highest branch. You have the capacity to go further and higher than you ever thought possible. It also commonly represents a spiritual awakening of sorts or being able to find a new perspective on the situations in your life and how they relate to the people around you.


Concealed Confidence, acrylic on canvas, 2023. 20" X 16" The tiger is one of the most ancient symbols of spirituality around. The tiger embodies courage, confidence and bravery, as well as virtue, good luck, royalty, generosity, sensuality, and personal strength. These creatures come with elegance, vitality, beauty, mystery, and power that capture the imagination. Tigers symbolize superior strength and protection in many cultures, specifically in Asia. Because of their unrivaled status as an apex predator, the tiger exudes confidence over their domain. Tigers, which usually hunt solitarily, have no rivals in their domain, and this main reason helps them exhibit a sense of confidence in their habitat. The tiger reminds you that even if you don’t feel confident in a given situation, you can still act as if you are. In some sense, they represent our nature to be fierce warriors against all odds. They represent our fierce personalities that oppose what is wrong with the world and


  Jum-Bonding , acrylic on canvas, 2023. 16" X 20" Whether human or elephant, mothers love their children. The painting illustrates the docile and noble side of a mother elephant, tending to her young just like a human mother does. Elephants may be the most protective moms on the planet, being exceedingly vigilant with her offspring as well as protecting her child from predators and even providing shade by standing over it. Elephant calves are raised in a matriarchal (female-led) society which focuses on protection and encouragement. The maternal bond between elephants and their calves is remarkably strong, and calves were raised by their mothers till they reach adulthood. Mother elephants regularly make affectionate contact with their calves, and they also display deep emotion. By watching the adults, the calves learn basic skills, including searching for water and which plants are suitable to eat and how to access them. Elephant moms are there every step of the way and they