
Showing posts from April, 2022


  Tea for Thousands , acrylic on canvas, 2022. 30" X 20" In the painting, several colonies of different ant species swarm towards a collection of fruits, which include some half-eaten apples, apricots, an overripe tomato and a large blackberry. The artist intends to convey the meaning of the Malay phrase “ada gula ada semut” (where there is sugar, there are ants), which means that where there is wealth or opportunity, there will also be those seeking to benefit from it, and includes various species of ant to represent those of various backgrounds. The colonies are listed below, counter-clockwise from top left. Weaver ants ( Oecoephylla smaradgina , Kerengga  in Malay) are large, red ants that are distributed from South and Southeast Asia to Australia. They build their nests on trees and are known for their cooperative behavior, usually when building nests where workers pull nest leaves together to be joined during construction. A "sentry ant" stands on top of a toad


  Global Gathering , acrylic on canvas, 2022. 84” X 42” This painting is a sequel to G7: You Can Count on Us . It has the same concept of animal representations of countries gathering for a global meeting, but with major differences and additional animals. The new countries and their respective animals are: Brazil = Jaguar The national animal of Brazil is the jaguar, seated beside Canada's beaver in the painting. It wears a green and yellow costume with a badge depicting the blue, star-studded disc on Brazil's flag. Russia = Brown bear In geopolitical cartoons, Russia is usually represented by a bear. The bear in the painting wears a fur coat typically worn by Russians and had a badge with a Russian flag on it. China = Giant panda The giant panda is native to China and is a symbol of the country's wildlife. The panda in the painting wears a red and yellow outfit matching the Chinese flag's colors, complete with the flag's five stars on the right chest area. The pand


  G7: You Can Count on Us  was featured at Art Expo Malaysia's Art For All Gala 2022 at the GMBB Building in Bukit Bintang, KL! The exhibition takes place from 8 to 10 April 2022. Khik Weng Keat was listed among the featured artists


Serpentine Sensation , acrylic on canvas, 2022. 20" X 30" Snakes have no legs, yet they could move at high speeds on the ground, climb trees with ease, swim well and a few even glide in the air. There are almost 2400 species of snake, and all of them are predators. Some snakes carry venom while others, especially the larger ones, do not. The reticulated python ( Malayopython reticulatus ) is a massive snake commonly found in India and Southeast Asia. It is the world's longest snake, reaching up to 10 meters from nose to tail, but is also the third heaviest behind the green anaconda and the Burmese python. It is named for the complex geometric pattern on its skin, which enables the snake to blend into its surroundings in order to protect it from predators and helps it catch its prey. Like all large snakes, the python does not carry venom and attacks its prey by coiling. The emerald tree boa ( Corallus caninus , top) has a bright green body that provides excellent camouflag