
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Parliament of the Night , acrylic on canvas, 2022. 23.5" X 33" A group of owls is called a "parliament". There are more than 150 confirmed species of owls in the world and they are found on all continents except Antarctica. Most hunting birds fly by day, but most owls usually hunt at night. They rely on their superb night vision and acute sense of hearing to locate their prey in the dark. Owls vary in size but all are similar in appearance with a large, rounded head, no obvious neck and a saucer-shaped ruff of feathers called a facial disc around the large eyes which face directly forward unlike most birds. The owl is made a symbol of wisdom and knowledge since ancient times largely due to their success as hunters and their nocturnal schedules.  The great horned owl ( Bubo virginianus , left) is the most widespread true owl in the Americas. It actually does not have horns, as its ear-like tufts are simply extra-long feathers. It is one of North America's large