
Showing posts from January, 2021


  Camouflage Reef , acrylic on canvas, 2021. 24" X 18" Some unique animals of the oceans use camouflage as a means to hunt prey or to escape from predators by blending into their environment in various ways, namely the: Leafy sea dragon Harlequin ghost pipefish Pygmy seahorse Reef stonefish Giant Pacific octopus Hairy frogfish Smooth box crab Turbot Whitemargin stargazer


 THE CUTTLE COUNCIL The Cuttle Council , acrylic on canvas, 2021. 24” X 18” Cuttlefish are members of the cephalopod family, which also includes the squid and octopus. They are well-known for their ability to change the color of their skin in the blink of an eye using special, color-changing cells called chromatophores. These color changes are a method of communication for these cephalopods and can also be used by them for camouflage in order to hunt prey or escape from predators.  There are nine types of cuttlefish in this painting, and some of them are closely related although they are not "true" cuttlefish. Australian giant cuttlefish ( Sepia apama ) The Australian giant cuttlefish is the largest member of the cuttlefish family, and it is found in southern Australian waters. Common cuttlefish ( Sepia officinalis ) The common cuttlefish is one of the best-known species of cuttlefish. This species lives in the Mediterranean, Baltic and North Seas of Europe. The shade of brow

Collection: Colors of the Deep Vol. 2

COLORS OF THE DEEP The depths of the oceans are full of color: it is filled with various colorful creatures and brightly-colored environments. Some of these colorful creatures are unique and have special features which distinguish themselves from each other and even help them in their fight for survival in such a competitive world.  Colors of the Deep Vol. 2 , acrylic on canvas, 2021. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8"  Seahorses Hippocamp Trio, acrylic on canvas, 2021. There are 46 known species of seahorse, and three species are featured in this painting: the Sindonis seahorse ( Hippocampus sindonis , left), the pot-belly seahorse ( Hippocampus abdominalis , foreground) and the pygmy seahorse ( Hippocampus bargibanti , top right). The pot-belly seahorse is one of the biggest members of the seahorse family, while the pygmy seahorse is the smallest. The Sindonis seahorse, known for its bright red coloration, is native to waters off Japan. The pygmy seahorse comes in a variety of co


Nobleman's Greatest Wish, acrylic on canvas, 2020. 24" x 18" The Dragon in the painting is a powerful symbol for noblemen, and its azure color complements the yellow background which is often regarded as a royal color. Near the dragon is a large ball of fire, which is shaped like an egg representing something which is full of secrets inside. The dragon is surrounded by peaches, a symbol of longevity.