Collection: Majestic Menagerie IV

MAJESTIC MENAGERIE IV A menagerie can be defined as a collection of exotic and unique animals, and the term also refers to a precursor to modern zoos which also showcases exotic animals. In the 18th century, the term menagerie is used for animal collections by aristocrats or royals who seek to display their power and wealth because exotic animals are quite difficult to acquire and harder to maintain. The natural world, however, had a vast collection of diverse life which can be considered unique in their own ways. Majestic Menagerie Vol. 4 , acrylic on canvas, 2020. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8" Armadillos Little and Large, acrylic on canvas, 2020 Two armadillo species are depicted in this painting: the giant armadillo ( Priodontes maximus ) and the pink fairy armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus ). They are the largest and smallest species of armadillo respectively. Both these species can be found in South America, and the pink fairy armadillo can only be found in Argentina....