
Showing posts from October, 2020

Collection: Tints of the Tank

TINTS OF THE TANK  Like the diverse marine life, freshwater life including various species of fish come in a spectrum of colors, shapes and sizes. Some of these freshwater life are widely sought after as pets for their beauty. This collection showcases some of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Tints of the Tank , acrylic on canvas, 2020. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8"  Galaxy Crayfish Galaxy Crayfish, acrylic on canvas, 2020. The galaxy crayfish ( Cherax pulcher ) is a newly-discovered species of crayfish which can be found in western New Guinea. The vivid and fancy coloration on the crayfish is said to resemble celestial objects and phenomena, hence the name. The crayfish in the painting is accompanied by a pair of neon tetras. Comet Goldfish Original Goldfish, acrylic on canvas, 2020. The comet goldfish is one of the breeds of goldfish which is the closest in relation to the original common goldfish. It can be differentiated from the common goldfish for its long, sin


  Beesiness, acrylic on canvas, 2020. 9.5" x 12". Honey bees are one of the most hardworking insects, besides ants. They pollinate flowers and gather nectar from them to produce honey in the hive. Bees collect the pollen on sacs which are attached on their back pair of legs. Nearby, the bees are observed by a Japanese hornet, the world's largest hornet. This hornet is known to attack bee colonies, kill bees and steal honey from bee hives.


  Oriental Treasures, acrylic on canvas, 2020. 24" X 24" This painting contains numerous symbols in Chinese culture. The dragon is considered to be the ultimate symbol of good luck, fortune and success in Feng Shui. Chinese coins represent the unity between heaven and Earth and symbolizes the abundance of wealth. The lotus flower is a popular Buddhist symbol that represents purity, perfection and boundless advancement. The koi carp is a very famous auspicious symbol as a symbol of determination, based on a legend that features the fish swimming against the river current before becoming a dragon upon reaching the Dragon Gate. Behind the fish in the painting as a pagoda, which represents academic and career luck. The lion-like jade statue in the painting is known as a "Fu Dog", a symbol of protection. Peach fruits can be found throughout the painting, and they are often associated with health, wealth and longevity. The lion dance in the lower left of the painting is s


  Power and Prosperity, acrylic on canvas, 2020. The Dragon and the Phoenix are powerful symbols of success and prosperity in Eastern culture and Feng Shui. Artworks depicting the dragon and the phoenix together symbolize happiness and harmony between married couples, as they complement each other just like the yin and yang symbol, where the dragon generates yang energy and the phoenix takes on yin energy. The dragon usually represents the husband while the phoenix represents the wife, as they are traditionally believed to be the symbols of the emperor and empress in Chinese culture. The dragon is also a symbol of wealth and continuous success. The phoenix, being a symbol of rebirth, brings turnaround luck and provides new career opportunities.


Necking Out, acrylic on canvas, 2019. 9.5" x 12". The giraffe has the longest neck of any mammal, which makes up nearly half of its overall height. Measuring around 2 to 2-and-a-half meters in length, the neck itself consists of seven extended neck bones, each of them nearly 30 centimeters long. The extension of the neck bones is said to be an evolutionary breakthrough: it enables the animal to reach tall tree canopies to feed on the leaves. Some scientists believe the neck also functioned to regulate their body temperature.


  Miracle Bonding , acrylic on canvas, 2019. 12" x 9.5". The Siamese fighting fish ( Betta splendens ) is a popular aquarium fish known for their highly aggressive and territorial nature. Normally, these fish usually attack other members of the same species and sex if they are very close. However, the painting shows a situation when the fish are not actually fighting at all. This is said to be a miracle bonding (as not all male fighting fish react aggressively to other males, except under certain circumstances), or the pair of fish may have been of different sexes.


  Lovers' Court, acrylic on canvas, 2019. 9.5" x 12". Mandarin ducks ( Aix galericulata ) are very symbolic in East Asian culture, particularly Chinese culture. Its Chinese name, yuan yang ( 鸳鸯 ), represents a pair of male and female ducks. In traditional Chinese culture, Mandarin ducks live as lifelong couples and are regarded as a symbol of affection and bliss. Images and figurines of these ducks can be displayed at home to enhance and attract love. The lotus flowers behind the ducks in the painting is a symbol of purity and is said to radiate positive energy. And like the ducks, the lotus invites luck in love. Thus, love is in the air around this painting.

Collection: Avian Assortment

AVIAN ASSORTMENT As one of the most colorful classes in the animal kingdom, birds (or aves) come in an assortment of shapes, sizes and colors. The bird class adapts a colorful spectrum of feather varieties, as well as some unique features and lifestyles, to adapt to the ever-changing natural world. Avian Assortment , acrylic on canvas, 2020. Set of 9, each piece 8" X 8"  Golden Pheasant Golden Pheasant, acrylic on canvas, 2020. 8" x 8" The golden pheasant ( Chrysolophus pictus ) is a beautiful pheasant which is native to mountainous forests in China. Adult males have the species' distinctive golden-colored plumage along with some blue and green feathers on some parts of the body. Although they spend most of their time on the ground, these pheasants could also fly in short distances. Hoatzin Hoatzin and Macaw, acrylic on canvas, 2020. 8" x 8" The hoatzin ( Opisthocomus hoazin ) is an unusual bird which inhabits the northern and western regions of the Am

Art Block Collection: Floral Giants

 This art block collection showcases various types of unique and large plants. Rafflesia Rafflesia, acrylic on art block, 2017. 29.7 x 42 cm The Rafflesia is one of the largest flowers that have ever existed and is a native to Malaysia and Indonesia. With a unique pattern, texture and lifestyle, it is very iconic that it has also been pictured on the RM10 note of the current Malaysian Ringgit banknote series.  Lebanese Cedar Lebanese Cedar, acrylic on art block, 2017. 29.7 x 42 cm. The Lebanese cedar ( Cedrus libani ) is an evergreen conifer tree that can be found in the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean area in Turkey and the Middle East. This tree has a large significance in the history and religion of several Middle Eastern cultures, especially Lebanon where it is made a national symbol and featured on its national flag. Acacia Tree Acacia, acrylic on art block, 2017. 29.7 x 42 cm. The umbrella-thorn acacia ( Vachellia tortilis ) is a type of acacia tree that is a common sigh