
Showing posts from September, 2020

Art Block Collection: Strelitzia

The plants featured in this collection are called bird-of-paradise plants which are actually from the genus Strelitzia , which have been long associated with  Heliconia , or the lobster-claw plants. The bird-of-paradise plant is native to southern Africa and is the floral emblem of the US city of Los Angeles, California. Strelitzia plants got their nickname for the appearance of their flowers which resemble a certain species of bird-of-paradise. It is a very popular house plant worldwide. However, it does not have any natural insect pollinators as the only known pollinating agent for this plant is the sunbird. In countries where these birds do not live in, the plant requires hand pollination from humans. Strelitzia A, acrylic on art block, 2018 Strelitzia B, acrylic on art block, 2018 Strelitzia C, acrylic on art block, 2018 Strelitzia D, acrylic on art block, 2018

Art Block Collection: Hibiscus

The hibiscus ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ) is a red-colored flower that is cultivated as an ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical regions, including southeast Asia. This particular species of hibiscus can also be called the Chinese hibiscus, China rose or rose mallow. Red Hibiscus, acrylic on art block, 2018 The red hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia, where it is called bunga raya in the Malay language. It is featured on the country's coat of arms and currency and was declared to be the national flower in 1960. The red color of the flower symbolizes the courage of the Malaysian people, and the five petals on the flower represents the five principles of the Rukun Negara . Yellow Hibiscus, acrylic on art block, 2018 Beside red, the hibiscus comes in a variety of colors ranging from white, yellow, orange and pink, with both single and double sets of petals. There are even rare varieties which contain two colors on one flower.  Bi-Colour Hibiscus, acrylic on art block, 2


  Benthic Brainstormers , acrylic on canvas, 2020. 30" X 48" Some ocean creatures display what is believed to be a heightened intelligence and cognition, and some species stand out in particular, such as the killer whale and the octopus. The killer whale is a member of the dolphin family, known for their ingenuity. Killer whales are social animals with a complex social structure, which can be comparable to that of elephants and humans. On the other hand, octopuses are thought to be some of the most intelligent invertebrates that they have been made an important example of advanced cognitive evolution in animals. Octopuses have been observed to display a wide range of ingenious activities including tool use and the ability to think and solve problems. The Process The calf of a killer whale is born with a yellowish or orange tint on its belly, which fades to white when it matures. The giant Pacific octopus is one of the most-studied octopus species. The West Indian manatee ( Tr


Thrilling Trench , acrylic on canvas, 2020. 30" X 61" The ocean trenches are some of the most extreme environments in the world, and the intense darkness and pressure in the area shaped its life into some of the most unusual creatures to have ever lived on the planet. They range from fish with fearsome features that glow in the dark to invertebrates which are easily adapted to these extreme conditions by having a range of weird features. The Process The black swallower ( Chiasmodon niger ) is a fish that is known for its ability to swallow prey over twice its length and ten times its mass. The silver chimaera ( Chimaera phantasma ) is a deep-dwelling fish related to sharks. It is also nicknamed the "ghost shark". The crusty nautilus ( Allonautilus scrobiculatus ) is a cousin of the chambered nautilus known for its thick, rough-looking shell. Sloane's viper fish ( Chauliodus sloani ) is a species of viper fish that can be easily identified by its fanged, snake-li